Friday 29 October 2010

Midnight Cry | Circular Letter | Spring 2005 [PDF]

        Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night? 

  [...] True servants of God are watchmen placed with God’s people (Ezek. 3:17). 
According to Mt. 25, there is a wake-up call, a midnight cry which is very 
decisive. At first, all of the virgins fell asleep, then, there was a cry, “And at 
midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to 
meet him.” The night is far spent and the great day is at hand (Rom. 13:12). 
The evening time which brought the light is behind us, the midnight hour is 
here. Every sermon, every circular letter must be understood and received 
as a wake-up call. The last message must be heard, as mighty as the sound 
of a trumpet, and its sound must be clear (1. Cor. 14:8). No one should turn 
to the other side and keep sleeping after having heard the midnight cry. All 
listeners must clean their lamps, so the illumination we have received can 
really shine forth as a light. The wise virgins fill their vessels with the oil of 
the Holy Spirit, so they will have sufficient supply until the return of the 
   It seems like we have just left the old year behind us and yet we are 
already well into the new year. Many good things can be reported in the 
Kingdom of God. Never before have we received so many testimonies of the 
supernatural working of God. The truthful proclamation of God’s Word has 
helped many to find their balance in the knowledge of the truth and also in 
all the doctrines. Obedience by faith is the work of the Holy Spirit and is 
becoming increasingly obvious everywhere. 
   In all its truthfulness the last message is reaching the ends of the earth, 
and those who believe as the Scripture says are expecting the final tremen- 
dous work of God, the total restoration and their completion unto the day of 
Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:10-11). 
    Soberly we observe the events in this last and serious time from the scrip- 
tural viewpoint. 
   In this circular letter we shall deal with three current events: 

   1.  We   shall   address   the   events   of   December   26th,   2004,   when   the 

         seaquake occurred in South-East Asia, causing a flood wave that 
         left behind a devastation unlike any we have previously experienced, 
         killing hundreds of thousands of people. 
     2.  We will also   talk about the significance   of January   27th, 2005. It 

         marks the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of the surviving Jew- 
         ish prisoners from the deadly concentration camp in Auschwitz. On 
         this day, special memorials were held in Israel, in Germany, and in 
         Auschwitz itself, where minutes of silence were observed in great 
     3.  We shall refer to the book by Pope John Paul II titled “Remembrance 
         andIdentity — Talks between the Millenniums”, which was published 
         on February 23rd, 2005. [...]

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