Wednesday 27 October 2010

Petition to the Pope on Holocaust Denial ?!

"There was not one Jew killed by the gas chambers.
It was all lies, lies, lies!"

 - Bishop Richard Williamson

Bishop Richard Williamson is a Holocaust denier. In a TV interview last year he reaffirmed his view that not a single Jew died in the Nazi gas chambers. In April he was convicted of Holocaust denial by a German court. In November he will appear before the court in an effort to have his conviction overturned. Following widespread international condemnation, the Pope has called on him to retract his statements but he has refused to do so.

Lamentably, Bishop Williamson is not alone in the Catholic Church. Other members of the clergy hold and express similar views. At a time when Catholics and Jews throughout the world are striving to develop mutual respect, we call on Pope Benedict XVI to ensure that there is no place in the Roman Catholic Church for Holocaust denial nor those who practice it.

// Well they started wrong anyway.. //

Petition to Pope Benedict XVI on Holocaust Denial

''We the undersigned call on His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to ensure that the denial of the Holocaust, or any belittling of the suffering of victims of the Nazi atrocities, by clerics of the Catholic Church be publicly condemned and immediately sanctioned and that those who hold such views be removed from their positions within the Church.''

// ..and I think that according to this " that those who hold such views be removed from their positions within the Church. " Pope Benedict should be removed from his position,  so what's the point of this petition anyway ?  Whatsoever. "Good point bad thinking"

Here is the petition

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