Saturday, 14 November 2015

Teroare in Franta. 129 de morti si peste 300 de raniti in urma unor atentate a musulmanilor extremisti // France Teror. Paris suffers another horrifying terrorist attack. Up to 129 people have been reported killed

France Facts

[RO] In Franta sunt intre 5 si 6 milioane de musulmani (8-10%), islamul fiind a doua religie dupa catolicism. Franta detine cel mai mare numar de musulmani din Europa de Vest
Franța este o țară de veche tradiție catolică. 64 % dintre persoanele întrebate se declară catolice în sondajele publicate în 2009, și o mare parte se declară agnostică, atee sau fără religie. Din cele 47000 de cladiri religioase 94% apartin Bisericii Romano Catolice.
[EN]  #‎Islam‬ is the second-most widely professed religion in ‪#‎France‬ behind Catholic Christianity by number of worshippers. With an estimated total of 5 to 10 percent of the national population, France has the largest number of‪#‎Muslims‬ in Western Europe.

Catholicism is the predominant religion in France. Among the 47,000 religious buildings in France, 94% are Roman Catholic. While in 1965, 81% of the French declared themselves to be Catholics, in 2009 this proportion was 64%
Estimates of the number of Muslims in France vary widely. In 2003, the French Ministry of the Interior estimated the total number of people of Muslim background to be between 5 and 6 million (8–10%)

[RO] Atac terorist in Franta

Cel puţin 128 de persoane au fost ucise în urma unor atentate teroriste multiple ce au avut loc, vineri seară, în mai multe zone din Paris. Potrivit ultimelor informaţii, aproximativ 130 de persoane au fost ucise în urma unei luări de ostatici la sala de spectacole Bataclan, unde avea loc un concert al grupului hard rock Eagles of Death Meta. Cel puţin două explozii, comise aparent de terorişti sinucigaşi, au avut loc în zona stadionului "Stade de France", în timpul unui meci de fotbal între reprezentativele Franţei şi Germaniei. În paralel, teroriştii au deschis focul cu arme automate la restaurante şi terase din zonele Bichat, Charonne şi Bataclan, situate în centrul Parisului.

[EN] The day after the horror in Paris

SHORTLY after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January, Manuel Valls, France’s prime minister, visited a high school and told pupils: “your generation will have to get used to living with the danger” of terrorism. Since then, Paris has been on high alert. Parisians have indeed grown accustomed to the presence of soldiers patrolling streets, railway stations and places of worship, and the appearance of metal barriers preventing parking outside all schools. But nothing could have prepared the French for what happened last night: the indiscriminate murder of people sitting outside eating pizza, watching a rock concert or attending an international football match. In total, at least 150 were killed and the death toll is likely to keep rising.

The French awoke this morning in a state of shock. “Carnage in Paris” read the front page of Libération newspaper. “This time it's war” was Le Parisien’s headline. Television stations broadcast non-stop scenes of the dead and wounded being carried away in the darkness. President François Hollande went during the night to the Bataclan, a concert venue stormed by terrorists where more than 100 people were killed. He described the events as “a horror” and, having already declared a state of emergency and reintroduced emergency border controls, vowed to lead a "pitiless" war against terrorism.
The Paris town hall has today closed all schools, museums, libraries, town halls, gyms and markets. The capital’s police chief advised Parisians to stay at home. Many places were quieter than usual, yet there was also a strange sense of defiant normality this morning in Paris. Metro stations near where the attacks took place remained closed. But otherwise trains were running normally on the metro and RER suburban railway. Air France said that it was maintaining flights in and out of the capital and the Eurostar train to London continued to run. Locals were trying to go out and about as usual.

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