Friday 28 December 2018

Without Me, You Can Do Nothing

If you’re Sick- He is the great Physician
If you’re Poor - He is your Riches
If you’re Weak - He is your Strength
If you’re in Trouble - He is your Deliverer
If you’re Fearful - He is your Peace
Without Him we are Helpless, Hopeless, and Powerless 

Whatever God call us to do ...He will give us the ability and tools to do it! 
If you don’t have the ability..  He’ll give it to you 
If you don’t have the resources.. He’ll provide them for you 
"My God shall provide all my needs according to his riches in glory by Jesus." Phil. 4:19 
We all put limitations on ourselves and upon God when we say, “I can’t do that because- 
I don’t have the education...
I’m not smart enough..
I don’t have enough money...
I’m too young...
I’m too old... 
Our problem is we put limitations on ourselves and God!  Just as Paul said in Romans, Chapter 1, we worship God – not as God – but as a man, as a human being like ourselves: 
“Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God,. Neither were thankful; but became vain (futile) in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened.
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 
“And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man. . . Romans 1:21-23 
If we can’t do it – we don’t believe God can do it either. 
God has promised to “heal ALL our diseases” (Psalm 103:3) ‘IF we follow His laws, His commandments, and His decrees.”  Deut 7:11-15

God promises to “heal ALL our diseases” but only if we do it His way, which includes learning to know Him so well that we are willing to “believe” that what He has promised – He WILL do.  And we must act on our beliefs by following His Health Plan with 100% commitment. 

Atheists can reject God, blaspheme God, curse God, and deny that God exists.  But they can’t do any of these things - - without God.  The only place they get the life and breath to reject, blaspheme, curse, and deny the existence of God - - - - is from God! 
They just end up looking downright silly.  That’s why the Bible says,
“The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.” Psalm 53:1
God runs everything in our life.  He has planned every day of the life of each of us before He created the earth.  He is the vine; we are the branches.  Without an attachment to Him, we would be unable to do anything, including living and breathing. 
“Look to Me and be saved (healed – sozo). . .” Isaiah 45:22  
“I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abideth in Me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me, you can do nothing.”  John 15:5  
“I can do anything through Christ which strengthens me.” Phil 4:13 
In all your ways acknowledge Him and HE will direct your paths.” Prov 3:6  
“God is operating ALL according to the counsel of His own will.”  Eph 1:11  
“In Him we live, and move and are (have our being).” Acts 17:28  
“Christ in you – the expectation (not “hope”) of glory.” Col 1:27  
“Be anxious for nothing.” Phil 4:6 
“Without God - - - no one can do anything.

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