Monday 24 December 2018

Tsunami crashes through a music concert in Indonesia

Band swept off stage in Indonesia tsunami 

An Indonesian pop band performing near the beach was swept away when a tsunami hit the Sunda Strait. 
In a tearful video, the lead singer of Seventeen said the band's manager and bass player were killed.

"Please come home my darling -- I am longing for you." Fajarsyah said
"I am still here -- I am not going anywhere -- I will pick you and we can come home together sweet heart".
"Rest in peace bro, Peace be with you, God wiling, we will continue to pray until we meet again one day," he added.

The band was in the middle of a show organized by PLN, the state-run electric company. They had been unaware of the tsunami when suddenly, a massive wave crashed through the stage and into the audience.
A tsunami hit Pandeglang, Serang and South Lampung, Indonesia, Saturday night. At least 373 people were killed and hundreds more injured or missing, officials said.
source: CNN

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