Dacă în unele traduceri ale Bibliei se redă în loc de „ fecioară” doar „ femeia tînără” , avem de-a face cu o schimbare gravă a sensului cuvîntului. În momentul evenimentului divin, Maria nu a fost o „ femeie tînără” , ci ea a devenit mai tîrziu. Ea era fecioară, cînd Duhul Sfînt a umbrit-o. Semnalmentele unei fecioare sînt curăţia şi virginitatea.
„ Iar naşterea lui Isus Hristos a fost aşa: Maria, mama Lui, era logodită cu Iosif; şi înainte ca să locuiască ei împreună, ea s-a aflat însărcinată de la Duhul Sfînt.” (Mat. 1, 18).
Iosif a fost aşa de decepţionat, încît a vrut s-o părăsească. Noi putem să ne punem în situaţia lui, să simţim ceea ce s-a petrecut în el. „ Iosif, bărbatul ei, era un om neprihănit, şi nu voia s-o facă de ruşine înaintea lumii; de aceea şi-a pus de gînd s-o lase pe ascuns.” El nu vroia scandal, dar era aşa de trist, încît a vrut să se despartă de ea. „ Dar pe cînd s
Aici găsim primul indiciu în Sfînta Scriptură care ne arată că logodnica i-a devenit mai tîrziu nevastă. Cine citeşte mai departe va constata că Iosif a procedat exact după porunca dată: „ Cînd s-a trezit Iosif din somn, a făcut cum îi poruncise îngerul Domnului; şi a luat la el pe nevastă-sa. Dar n-a cunoscut-o, pînă ce ea a născut un fiuŞi el i-a pus numele Isus” (vers. 24-25). Este destul de clar. Abia după naşterea lui Isus Hristos, el a trăit ca soţ cu Maria. Din această căsnicie s-au născut patru fii şi mai multe fiice, al căror număr nu a fost redat. „ Oare nu este El fiul tîmplarului? Nu este Maria mama Lui? şi Iacov, Iosif, Simon şi Iuda, nu sînt ei fraţii Lui? şi surorile Lui nu sînt toate printre noi? Atunci de unde are El toate lucrurile acestea? ” (Mat. 13, 55-56). Acesta este adevărul biblic, iar toate celelalte sînt minciuni formulate la adresa Mariei.
Deja în Mat. 1, 16 Iosif este numit soţul Mariei, în prezentarea registrului genealogic. Chiar şi faptul că a existat o căsnicie din care au rezultat copii, vrem să-l dovedim pe baza altor mărturii. Evanghelistul Marcu relatează despre lucrul acesta în cap. 6, 3. Luca ne face de cunoscut faptul că mama şi fraţii Lui au venit la El. Lui i s-a spus: „ ...‘Mamă-Ta şi fraţii Tăi stau afară, şi vor să Te vadă.’ Dar El drept răspuns, a zis: ‘Mama Mea şi fraţii Mei sînt cei ce ascultă Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu, şi-l împlinesc.’ ” (Luca 8, 19-20).
Isus nu a venit pentru a înfiinţa o relaţie pămîntească de rudenie, de aceea El nu a putut să ţină cont în mod deosebit de mama Lui naturală şi de fiii născuţi de aceasta. EL a făcut întotdeauna o corectare corespunzătoare, pentru a arăta că adevăraţii copii ai lui Dumnezeu sînt acei care lucrează conform Cuvîntului Lui.
Inspiraţia falsă a existat fără îndoială deja în acele zile. Nici lucrul acesta nu ne este ascuns. „ Pe cînd spunea Isus aceste vorbe, o femeie din norod şi-a ridicat glasul şi a zis: ‘Ferice de pîntecele care Te-a purtat, şi de ţîţele pe care le-ai supt!’ şi El a răspuns: ‘Ferice mai degrabă de ceice ascultă Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu, şi-L păzesc!’ ” (Luca 11, 27-28). Ce glas tipic s-a ridicat acolo, spre a o glorifica pe M
Pentru a încuraja cultul Mariei, a fost tradus fals chiar textul din Luca 1, 28: „ Îngerul a intrat la ea şi a zis: ‘Plecăciune, ţie, căreia ţi s-a făcut mare har; Domnul este cu tine, binecuvîntată eşti tu între femei!’ ” Dar în catehismul catolic putem citi: „ Mărită să fii tu, Maria, plină de har, Domnul este cu tine! ” Între a primi har şi a fi plin de har este o deosebire ca de la cer la pămînt.
Maria a urmat acelaşi drum al vieţii ca toate fetele. Înainte de a primi vestea de la îngerul Gavril, ea a fost logodită cu Iosif şi avea de gînd să se mărite cu el. Îngerul i-a spus Mariei logodite: „ Nu te teme, Marie; căci ai căpătat îndurare înaintea lui Dumnezeu” (Luca 1, 30). Desigur ea a fost surprinsă de mesagerul ceresc şi de mesajul acestuia. Acest verset confirmă, încă odată, că Maria nu era plină de har, ci: „ a găsit har înaintea lui Dumnezeu.” De aceea ea a spus: „ ...‘Iată, roaba Domnului; facă-mi-se după cuvintele tale!’ ” şi îngerul a plecat de la ea (vers. 38).
Nu există nici un text în Sfînta Scriptură care să ne facă dependenţi de harul Mariei sau de favoarea lui Iosif. Din contra: harul lui Dumnezeu ni s-a arătat în Cuvîntul care S-a făcut trup şi a locuit printre noi (Ioan 1), şi mai este şi azi de găsit numai în unicul Răscumpărător: „ şi noi toţi am primit din plinătatea Lui (nu din a ei), şi har după har; căci Legea a fost dată prin Moise, dar harul şi adevărul au venit prin Isus Hristos ” (Ioan 1, 16) Şi în privinţa aceasta ne-a rămas o mărturie clară în Sfînta Scriptură.
Fiul nu se află nici în braţele Mariei, nici la pieptul ei, aşa cum ni-L prezintă multe tablouri, ci, aşa cum este scris, în sînul Tatălui: „ Nimeni n-a văzut vreodată pe Dumnezeu; singurul Lui Fiu, care este în sînul Tatălui, Acela L-a făcut cunoscut. ” (vers. 18). Toate aşa-zisele tablouri pline de har şi prezentările simbolice cu mama şi copilul, sînt preluate din cultele păgîne, unde domină zei şi zeiţe. Această ducere în eroare i-a deviat pe oameni de la slujba dumnezeiască, împingîndu-i la o slujbă idolatrică! Isus nu este fructul „ binecuvîntatei ” Marii, aşa cum se învaţă în mod greşit. Maria a fost doar purtătoarea substanţei divine.
În versetele următoare ni se arată însă slăbiciunile şi greşelile omeneşti ale Mariei. După serbarea pascală din Ierusalim, oamenii s-au îndreptat spre casele lor; numai Isus, în vîrstă de 12 ani, a rămas în templu, fără ca familia Lui să observe acest lucru de la început. „ După trei zile, L-au găsit în Templu, şezînd în mijlocul învăţătorilor... ” (Luca 2, 46). Binenţeles că Maria era îngrijorată şi de aceea ea nu şi-a dat seama de reproşul cu care L-a întrebat: „ Fiule, pentru ce Te-ai purtat aşa cu noi? Iată că tatăl Tău şi eu Te-am căutat cu îngrijorare.” (Luca 2, 48).
Răspunsul băiatului este o corectare clară: „ De ce M-aţi căutat? Oare nu ştiaţi că trebuie să fiu în casa Tatălui Meu? ” (Luca 2, 49). EL nu s-a referit la atelierul de tîmplărie al lui Iosif, ci la Tatăl Lui ceresc şi a corectat-o imediat pe Maria, care în clipa aceea l-a numit pe Iosif tatăl Lui.
Faptul că Maria a avut nevoie de har şi mîntuire, îl vedem din relatarea potrivit căreia, după înălţarea lui Isus Hristos, şi ea a făcut parte din cele 120 de persoane, care s-au adunat în acelaşi loc şi au primit acolo Duhul Sfînt: „ Toţi aceştia stăruiau cu un cuget în rugăciune şi în cereri, împreună cu femeile, şi cu Maria, mama lui Isus, şi cu fraţii Lui. ” (Fap. 1, 14). Despre fraţii Lui, care, la fel, au fost prezenţi la praznic, se relatează că nu au crezut de la început în El (Ioan 7, 3-5).
Maria nu a fost onorată atunci, însă ea a făcut parte din cei ce s-au rugat, trăind apoi pogorîrea Duhului Sfînt. Primirea personală a Duhului Sfînt este o necesitate mîntuitoare pentru fiecare copil al lui Dumnezeu, astfel şi pentru Maria.
Se spune: „ Fiul împlineşte orice dorinţă a Mariei! ” Unde este scris aşa ceva? Aici se trezeşte o speranţă falsă în oameni. Aici există, ca bază, accepţia că El este Fiul lui Dumnezeu şi al Mariei. Această formulare nu este scrisă nici o dată în Sfînta Scriptură. EL este Fiul lui Dumnezeu. Maria a fost doar vasul.
La nunta din Cana Galilea, cînd s-a terminat vinul, Maria i-a zis lui Isus: „ Ei nu mai au vin.” Isus a răspuns: „ Femeie, ce am a face Eu cu tine? Nu Mi-a venit încă ceasul ” (Ioan 2, 3-4). A fost un răspuns tăios la o sugestie blîndă care trebuia să arate clar că nici un om nu-L putea influenţa, nici chiar Maria.
Ar trebui să luăm la inimă sfatul cel bun pe care ea l-a dat nuntaşilor: „ Să faceţi orice vă va zice. ” (vers. 5). Aceasta este lecţia cea mare pentru omenire.
Fraţii trupeşti ai Domnului nu sînt pomeniţi doar în evanghelii, ci şi apostolul Pavel vorbeşte despre ei: „ N-avem dreptul să ducem cu noi o soră, care să fie nevasta noastră, cum fac ceilalţi apostoli, şi fraţii Domnului, şi Chifa? ” (1 Cor. 9, 5).
Apostolul scrie către Galateni: „ Dar n-am văzut pe niciunul altul dintre apostoli, decît pe Iacov, fratele Domnului. ” (Gal. 1, 19).
De observat este faptul că, din ziua naşterii Bisericii noutestamentare, de Rusalii, adică din Fap. 2 pînă la ultimul capitol din Biblie, Maria nu mai este pomenită. Pentru un creştin biblic apare aici o lumină. Ea şi-a îndeplinit sarcina. În creştinii de la început nu a locuit duhul idolatriei, ci Duhul lui Dumnezeu. Ei nu au proslăvit o creatură, ci pe Creator.
„ ...După secolul al VII-lea încep, în chip cu totul nebiblic, proslăvirea şi divinizarea Mariei. Din secolul al XII-lea se spune rugăciunea ‘Ave Maria’ . Sărbătorile Mariei s-au înmulţit, din 1140, în jurul ‘sărbătorii imaculatei concepţiuni’ . În secolul al XII-lea a apărut rozariul Sub semnul Mariei biserica catolică vrea să cîştige lumea pentru sine. De aceea după cel de-al doilea război mondial cultul Mariei a fost de-a dreptul întărit.” (O. Markmann, Irrtümer der katholischen Kirche, pag. 48-50).
Pe baza celor ce se întîmplă putem să deosebim dacă Duhul Sfînt sau dacă duhul anticreştin este în acţiune. Cu toată fermitatea trebuie să spunem: Maria din Biblie, căreia i s-a spus: „ Ferice de aceea care a crezut; pentru că lucrurile, care i-au fost spuse din partea Domnului, se vor împlini ” (Luca 1, 45), şi care a spus subordonîndu-se: „ Iată roaba Domnului; facă-mi-se după cuvintele tale! ” (Luca 1, 38), este cu totul alta decît cea ridicată şi onorată ca o zeiţă şi care în anul 431 d. Hr. a fost declarată, la Conciliul din Efes, ca „ născătoare de Dumnezeu” .
[extras din Crestinismul Traditional de E. Frank]
Citeste si : Antihristul - Caracteristicile Antihristului
Crestinismul Traditional [e-book]
Ce este cultul Mariei ?
Crestinismul Traditional [e-book]
Ce este cultul Mariei ?
[En] We wish to have a look at the virtuous Mary and see what God did through her and also on the other hand what men made of her. This Miriam, which was her name, was a virgin and through her the promise of God by the prophet Isaiah was fulfilled. “Therefore the Lord himselfshall give you a sign; Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isa. 7: 14). In some new Bible translations, the word “virgin” is being replaced with “young woman”, but that is a distortion of the original meaning. At the time of this greatest event she was not a “young woman” but that she was later. She was a virgin when the Holy Ghost overshadowed her. A virgin is clean and untouched. “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was in this way: When as his mother, Mary, was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit” (Mt. 1: 18).
Joseph was so disappointed that he wanted to leave her. We can imagine the feelings he had. “Then Joseph, her promised husband, being a justman, not willing to make herapublic example, was minded to put her away privately. “He wanted no scandal but was aggravated and therefore decided to leave her quietly. “But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son ofDavid, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit” (Mt. 1: 19-20).
Here we find the first statement that Mary who was espoused to Joseph later became his wife. Those who read the context will find out that Joseph acted precisely according to the instruction given unto him. “... did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not till she had brought forth her first-born son; and he called his name Jesus” (vs. 24-25). This is a very clear statement. Only after the birth of Jesus Christ had they family relations. From this marriage, four sons and daughters whose number is not given came forth. “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?” (Mt. 13: 55-56). This is the scriptural truth. All other ideas which are meant to honour Mary are purposely formulated and invented. Already in Mt. 1: 16, Joseph is mentioned as the husband of Mary in the genealogy. Also about this fact of the marriage from which came forth the children, we would like to have more witnesses. The evangelist Mark states the same fact in chapter 6, verse 3. Luke knew also this fact and records that His mother and His brethren came to see Him, “Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come to him, because of the crowd ... and he answered, and said unto them, My mother andmy brethren are these who hear the word of God and do it” (Lk. 8: 19-21). Jesus did not come to establish an earthly relation, therefore, He could not treat His earthly mother and her sons with preference. He gave the needed correction to underline who the true children of God are, namely those who hear and do God’s Word.
False inspirations were already there in those days. This is also not withheld from us. “And it came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto them, Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the breasts which nursed thee. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it” (Lk. 11:27-28). What a typical adoration was uttered there, but the Lord gave a very quick and precise correction at that very moment. To further even more the cult of Mary, Luke 1: 28 is being falsified and in some cases even wrongly translated. It should read like this, “And he came to her and said, Hail, oh favoured one, endued with grace, the Lord is with you... “In the Catholic catechism, it reads like this, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”. There is a tremendous difference between some one having found grace with God and to be full of the grace. Mary grew up and lived like all other girls. Before the angel Gabriel spoke to her she was engaged to Joseph and of course was planning to get married. It was the espoused Mary to whom the angel spoke, “... do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God” (Lk. 1: 30). Most certainly she was surprised hearing this message from the heavenly messenger. This verse confirms once more that it was not Mary who was full of grace, but as it is written that she had found grace before God. Therefore, she could say, “Behold, lam the handmaiden ofthe Lord; let it be done to me according to whatyou have said. And the angel left her” (vs. 38). There is no place in the Holy Scriptures which speaks of the grace of Mary or of the favour of Joseph. On the contrary, the grace of God appeared to us when theWord was made flesh dwelling among us (Jn. 1). For ever the grace of God is only found in the Redeemer Himself. “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (Jn. 1: 16-17). Also in this regard, the Scripture contains a very clear testimony. The Son does not rest on Mary’s breast or in her arms as shown on innumerable pictures and statues, but rather as it is written, in the Father’s bosom. “No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him” (Jn. 1: 18). All pictures showing the mother with the child are of heathen origin, they detect fertility gods and goddesses. They were just adopted. This deception took people away from the true worship of God to a service of idolatry. Jesus is not the blessed fruit ofMary; but she was only the vessel to carry the divine substance — the Word which was made flesh. In the following verses, we are told about the human failure of Mary. After the Passover in Jerusalem, the people went home. But Jesus being twelve years of age remained in the temple. The family did not even notice for several days that He was notwith them. “And it came to pass, that after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing themand asking them questions” (Lk. 2:46). Of course, Mary was concerned and did not pay exact attention to what she said rebuking Him slightly in that moment when she found Him. “And his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father and I have sought thee, sorrowing” (Lk. 2: 48). The answer of the child Jesus was a definite correction, “And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? Knew ye not that Imust be about my Father’s business?” (vs. 49). He certainly did not refer to Joseph or his workshop, but rather to His heavenly Father. Then and there He corrected the statement Mary made who incorrectly in that moment called Joseph His Father. Mary herselfneeded God’s grace and salvation. She was found among the hundred-and-twenty who had gathered in the upper room to receive the Holy Spirit after Jesus Christ was taken to heaven. “These all continued with one accord inprayer andsupplication, with the women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren” (Acts 1: 14). The brethren found it difficult to believe at first (Jn. 7: 3-5), but as we are told later they were among the true believers. Nothing was known about any veneration of Mary. She was found with those who prayed with supplication waiting to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The personal receiving of the Holy Spirit is necessary for salvation to every child of God, and Mary was no exception.
It is said, “The Son fulfils every petition of Mary”. Where is such written? False hopes are being nourished. At the wedding in Cana in Galilee, there was not sufficient beverage. “And when they lacked wine, the mother ofJesus says unto him, They have no wine. Jesus says unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour has not yet come” (Jn. 2: 3-4). It was a very sharp answer and shows very clearly that no one can influence Him, not even Mary. The good advice she gave to those serving should be taken to heart, “Whatever he says unto you do it” (vs. 5). This is the great lesson for all humanity. The brethren of the Lord are not only mentioned in the gospels, Paul also refers to them, “Have we no right to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?” (I Cor. 9: 5). To the Galatians the apostle writes, “But other of the apostles saw Inone, except James, the Lord’s brother” (Gal. 1: 19). It is very strange but true, thatMary was never again mentioned in the New Testament except in Acts 2 when receiving the Holy Ghost. A Bible believing Christian is satisfiedwith the fact that she had served in the God ordained purpose. The early Christians had not the spirit of idolatry but the Holy Spirit and gave all adoration to God, the Creator, and not to any one of the creation. “After the 7th century, a totally unbiblical veneration and deifying of Mary began. Since the 12th century the Ave Maria was being recited. The celebrating feasts were since the year 1140 enriched by the feast of the immaculate conception. In the 12th century the use of the rosary began. In the sign of Mary the Catholic church aims to win the world for itself.
Therefore the cult with Mary was more strongly emphasised afterWorld War II.” (0.Markmann, Irrtümer der katholischen Kirche, pg. 48-50). We must differentiate and discern between the things which are being taught and practised to know whether it is the Holy Spirit or the antichrist spirit which is at work. It must be emphasised and clearly stated that the Mary presented in the Holy Scriptures is our example in regards to faith. It is said about her, “And blessed is she that believed, for there shall be a performance ofthose things which were told herfrom the Lord” (Lk. 1:45). The same applies to all of us. We must believe all the promises which God gave to us. Only then we have the guarantee that they will be accom plished. All of us must say as she did, “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Lk. 1:38). TheMary of the Scriptures is totally different to the one who was deified in the year 431 at the council of Ephesus.
Joseph was so disappointed that he wanted to leave her. We can imagine the feelings he had. “Then Joseph, her promised husband, being a justman, not willing to make herapublic example, was minded to put her away privately. “He wanted no scandal but was aggravated and therefore decided to leave her quietly. “But while he thought on these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son ofDavid, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit” (Mt. 1: 19-20).
Here we find the first statement that Mary who was espoused to Joseph later became his wife. Those who read the context will find out that Joseph acted precisely according to the instruction given unto him. “... did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not till she had brought forth her first-born son; and he called his name Jesus” (vs. 24-25). This is a very clear statement. Only after the birth of Jesus Christ had they family relations. From this marriage, four sons and daughters whose number is not given came forth. “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And his brethren James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?” (Mt. 13: 55-56). This is the scriptural truth. All other ideas which are meant to honour Mary are purposely formulated and invented. Already in Mt. 1: 16, Joseph is mentioned as the husband of Mary in the genealogy. Also about this fact of the marriage from which came forth the children, we would like to have more witnesses. The evangelist Mark states the same fact in chapter 6, verse 3. Luke knew also this fact and records that His mother and His brethren came to see Him, “Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come to him, because of the crowd ... and he answered, and said unto them, My mother andmy brethren are these who hear the word of God and do it” (Lk. 8: 19-21). Jesus did not come to establish an earthly relation, therefore, He could not treat His earthly mother and her sons with preference. He gave the needed correction to underline who the true children of God are, namely those who hear and do God’s Word.
False inspirations were already there in those days. This is also not withheld from us. “And it came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto them, Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the breasts which nursed thee. But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God, and keep it” (Lk. 11:27-28). What a typical adoration was uttered there, but the Lord gave a very quick and precise correction at that very moment. To further even more the cult of Mary, Luke 1: 28 is being falsified and in some cases even wrongly translated. It should read like this, “And he came to her and said, Hail, oh favoured one, endued with grace, the Lord is with you... “In the Catholic catechism, it reads like this, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”. There is a tremendous difference between some one having found grace with God and to be full of the grace. Mary grew up and lived like all other girls. Before the angel Gabriel spoke to her she was engaged to Joseph and of course was planning to get married. It was the espoused Mary to whom the angel spoke, “... do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God” (Lk. 1: 30). Most certainly she was surprised hearing this message from the heavenly messenger. This verse confirms once more that it was not Mary who was full of grace, but as it is written that she had found grace before God. Therefore, she could say, “Behold, lam the handmaiden ofthe Lord; let it be done to me according to whatyou have said. And the angel left her” (vs. 38). There is no place in the Holy Scriptures which speaks of the grace of Mary or of the favour of Joseph. On the contrary, the grace of God appeared to us when theWord was made flesh dwelling among us (Jn. 1). For ever the grace of God is only found in the Redeemer Himself. “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (Jn. 1: 16-17). Also in this regard, the Scripture contains a very clear testimony. The Son does not rest on Mary’s breast or in her arms as shown on innumerable pictures and statues, but rather as it is written, in the Father’s bosom. “No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him” (Jn. 1: 18). All pictures showing the mother with the child are of heathen origin, they detect fertility gods and goddesses. They were just adopted. This deception took people away from the true worship of God to a service of idolatry. Jesus is not the blessed fruit ofMary; but she was only the vessel to carry the divine substance — the Word which was made flesh. In the following verses, we are told about the human failure of Mary. After the Passover in Jerusalem, the people went home. But Jesus being twelve years of age remained in the temple. The family did not even notice for several days that He was notwith them. “And it came to pass, that after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing themand asking them questions” (Lk. 2:46). Of course, Mary was concerned and did not pay exact attention to what she said rebuking Him slightly in that moment when she found Him. “And his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father and I have sought thee, sorrowing” (Lk. 2: 48). The answer of the child Jesus was a definite correction, “And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? Knew ye not that Imust be about my Father’s business?” (vs. 49). He certainly did not refer to Joseph or his workshop, but rather to His heavenly Father. Then and there He corrected the statement Mary made who incorrectly in that moment called Joseph His Father. Mary herselfneeded God’s grace and salvation. She was found among the hundred-and-twenty who had gathered in the upper room to receive the Holy Spirit after Jesus Christ was taken to heaven. “These all continued with one accord inprayer andsupplication, with the women, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren” (Acts 1: 14). The brethren found it difficult to believe at first (Jn. 7: 3-5), but as we are told later they were among the true believers. Nothing was known about any veneration of Mary. She was found with those who prayed with supplication waiting to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The personal receiving of the Holy Spirit is necessary for salvation to every child of God, and Mary was no exception.
It is said, “The Son fulfils every petition of Mary”. Where is such written? False hopes are being nourished. At the wedding in Cana in Galilee, there was not sufficient beverage. “And when they lacked wine, the mother ofJesus says unto him, They have no wine. Jesus says unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour has not yet come” (Jn. 2: 3-4). It was a very sharp answer and shows very clearly that no one can influence Him, not even Mary. The good advice she gave to those serving should be taken to heart, “Whatever he says unto you do it” (vs. 5). This is the great lesson for all humanity. The brethren of the Lord are not only mentioned in the gospels, Paul also refers to them, “Have we no right to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?” (I Cor. 9: 5). To the Galatians the apostle writes, “But other of the apostles saw Inone, except James, the Lord’s brother” (Gal. 1: 19). It is very strange but true, thatMary was never again mentioned in the New Testament except in Acts 2 when receiving the Holy Ghost. A Bible believing Christian is satisfiedwith the fact that she had served in the God ordained purpose. The early Christians had not the spirit of idolatry but the Holy Spirit and gave all adoration to God, the Creator, and not to any one of the creation. “After the 7th century, a totally unbiblical veneration and deifying of Mary began. Since the 12th century the Ave Maria was being recited. The celebrating feasts were since the year 1140 enriched by the feast of the immaculate conception. In the 12th century the use of the rosary began. In the sign of Mary the Catholic church aims to win the world for itself.
Therefore the cult with Mary was more strongly emphasised afterWorld War II.” (0.Markmann, Irrtümer der katholischen Kirche, pg. 48-50). We must differentiate and discern between the things which are being taught and practised to know whether it is the Holy Spirit or the antichrist spirit which is at work. It must be emphasised and clearly stated that the Mary presented in the Holy Scriptures is our example in regards to faith. It is said about her, “And blessed is she that believed, for there shall be a performance ofthose things which were told herfrom the Lord” (Lk. 1:45). The same applies to all of us. We must believe all the promises which God gave to us. Only then we have the guarantee that they will be accom plished. All of us must say as she did, “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (Lk. 1:38). TheMary of the Scriptures is totally different to the one who was deified in the year 431 at the council of Ephesus.
[from Traditional Christianity by E. Frank]
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