Saturday, 22 September 2018

The Hidden Enemy

If you're asking yourself, as I did, what aggressive scularism and radical Islam have in common, then you need to read The Hidden Enemy. 

Our Civilization is under assault from without- and from within.
We face an external threat from radical, political Islam. The enemy without wants to sweep away Western civilization and impose a global caliphate.
We face an internal threat form a coalition of secular humanists, atheists and leftists. The enemy within wants to erase the Judeo-Christian values our Western culture was founded on, replacing them with false dogmas and secularism, sexual liberation, hedonism, and moral relativitism.

The enemy without and the enemy within have almost nothing in common. Radical, political Islam seeks to impose a theocracy that, according to strict Islamic law, calls for the oppression of women and the execution of homosexuals. The secular left is fanatical about church-state separation, feminism and gay and transgender rights.

The enemy without and the enemy within could not be more opposed to each other. You'd think they'd constantly be at each other's throats. Yet the secular left defends and supports Islamism and the two groups join forces to attack our Christian faith, Judeo-Christian values, Western culture and the nation of Israel.

Often, the alliance between these groups goes largely unnoticed. Not long ago, however, representatives from the two groups publicly marched in solidarity. Like many leftist protest events, the Women's March on January 21, 2017, demanded reproductive rights (unrestricted abortions), LGBTQ rughts and wide-open borders- the usual progressive agenda. The march featured the standard collection of leftist sponsors: Planned Parenthood, the AFL-CIO, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and more.

Oddly, however, the march organizers chose as co-chair an Islamist, Linda Sarsour, whom the New York Times dubbed the "Brooklyn homegirl in a hijab" in a flattering 2015 profile. She's a darling of the left, whom President Obama honored as a "champion of change"- yet she advocates Sharia law in America. Her sale pitch: "You'll know when you're living under Sharia law if suddently all your loans and credit cards become interest-free. Sounds nice, doesn't it?
Sarsour neglects to mention that Sharia is incompatible with democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality for women, LGBTQ rights and other causes liberals claim to support.
The progressive left's fawning adoration of Ms, Sarsour is a vivid demonstration of the strange alliance between these two ideologically opposed groups. But this is far from an isolated pheonomenon. The secular left and fanatical Islam have made a devil's bargain. Their mutual goal: the overthrow of Western culture and Judeo-Christian values.

How do we confront these enemies- the enemy within and the enemy without? Should we form a political action committee; hire a lobbying firm in Washington, DC; hold a protest march and flex our political muscles? Should we try to beat the Islamists and the secular left at their own game?
No. As God's Word tells us, there is only one way to win: We must "be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power" (Ephesians 6:10). 

We must never forget that Jesus taught us to love our adversaries, pray for them and do good to them (Luke 6:27-28). The battle against Islamic and secular extremism is not one we can win with weapons of hate. The battle for truth can be won by the power of Christlike love. Without His love, we're just clanging gongs and cymbals- making a lot of noise while accomplishing nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1)

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