Friday, 22 February 2019

The Blind Spot

<< I have been driving for 50 years and I have never had an accident! But this is only the grace of God. Anyone who drives knows that avoiding an accident depends not only on him but also on the actions of those around him.

Every year hundreds are caught in another driver's blind spot resulting in an accident for which they are not responsible. It is estimated that this is the cause of as many as two-thirds of all accidents. The term "blind spot" describes a portion of one's field of vision that, in spite of the use of mirrors, is blocked from one's view.

Blind spots can also appear in our lives. In spite of taking every precaution to protect ourselves, just as in traffic accidents happen. The Ten Commandments and other Bible teachings can be seen as traffic regulations designed to direct us to our heavenly destination.

Rather than being an annoyance, as some seem to think, these regulations guide us through each day, helping us to avoid damage to ourselves and others.

Regarding this subject there are two opposing views. Some choose to rely completely on God's grace, while others completely on His laws. Some people try their hardest to live in accordance with God's law as they perceive it, in every situation, while others depend on the freedom they have in the Messiah. They see adherence to biblical laws and regulations as Old Testament "legalism".

Accidents, however, seem to occur to both groups of people, those who follow the path of law and those who adhere to grace. True believers can, among other things, get embroiled in divorce, greed, criminal activity and sexual promiscuity or perversity.

How can such things happen to believers? Do they take advantage of the grace they have in the Messiah (to escape the consequences of sin), or is legalism not working for them?

This is where the "blind spot" comes into play. It is not enough to simply rely o grace, thinking that everything will work out in the end, or to depend on our ability to keep God's laws; we also need to have a completely clear field of view. Even though we think that we have everything covered, that we have checked all the "mirrors" in our lives so to speak, the is still that dangerous "blind spot" to contend with. That is why we must be extra cautious, and look very carefully, before making what could be dangerous moves or turns (decisions).

For this we need to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This does not mean that we should operate as robots, acting as if governed by remote control. Allowing the Holy Spirit access into every area of our lives will help keep us from falling into self-righteousness if we are close adherents of the law, and from falling into sin because of the freedom provided by grace.

In James 2:20 we read that "faith without works is dead". In other words, faith is expressed through works. Here again we come to the blind spot, that straight and narrow path between law and grace, that we need to keep constantly in our sights. Anyone who builds his life solely on one or the other is not taking heed of the blind spot and is therefore endangering not only his own faith but also that of his fellow men.

Therefore, we need the leading of the Holy Spirit, the comforter whom Yeshua (Jesus) said would "teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you" (John 14:26). Onlyy then will we be able to say together with Paul, "My conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 9:1). It is neither a feeling of being obedient to a religious tradition that guarantees me an exemplary life nor a blind adherence to grace. It is the Holy Spirit. >>

(Ludwig Schneider,

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