Needless to say... Santa Claus was yet another Catholic invention.
which completely removes the Lord God from creation...
not only did Satan give the Rosary to a masochist monk who is
worshipped as god world wide...
not only do they believe Mary forgives sin...
not only do they write their pope to have him decree Mary as
Co-Redeemer making her equal to Jesus Christ...
not only do they admit to having over 10,000 saints to pray to and
have watch over them...
not only have they sold forgiveness of sins for money...
not only have they admitted that the man in the pew is too stupid to
understand the Scriptures...
not only do they have many extra writings they call the Word of
not only did they invent salvation through ceremonies preformed by
not only have they elevated their pope to be infalible in their
rules of faith thus subordinating the Holy Scripture...
they've also poisoned the world by inventing Santa Claus from one of
their many saints.
the story of St. Nicholas wouldn't be complete without a visit from
Satan himself, disguised as Mary, as he has in so many of his vists to
Papists. as the story goes, Satan is in the account of St. Nicholas.
given the attributes of God, Santa is all knowing for ' he's knows
if you've been bad or good '. he travels through the air as in
Eph. 2:2... " according to the prince of the power of the air. "
he is omnipresent by being across the believing world in one night.
he has little elves for helpers... " the world forces of this
darkness " ... the spiritual [forces] of wickedness in the heavenly
[places.] " Eph. 6:12
he lives in a High Place... the North Pole.
the devices of Satan as promoted through so many false christs has
flurished under Catholicism.
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